SB69F ☆ Wiki Updates!! @ bskyさんのプロフィール画像

SB69F ☆ Wiki Updates!! @ bskyさんのイラストまとめ

News and information from the SHOW BY ROCK!! Fes A Live Wiki!! This is an unofficial (非公式) account that is not associated with Sanrio or SQUARE ENIX.

フォロー数:11 フォロワー数:807

It's Leppanyo's birthday! She's always taking care of others, so let's treat her for a change! Gilili and the others are already throwing her a party, so let's get her some food she likes!

Read translations for her birthday login bonus event here!

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It's Titan's birthday today~! I hope he isn't overworking himself... why don't we get him a cake and a lot of snacks, so he can share them with his brothers?

Read translations for his birthday login bonus event here!

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Here are the high resolution bromide illustrations for the upcoming "Cheety Is Here! Let's Do This! Point Gacha!"

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Today is Retoree's birthday! Let's ask Rameca if she has any pictures of Cyan that we can share with her... I'm sure she'd love to add them to her collection!

Read translations for her birthday login bonus event here!

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Translations for 661's RSII Lv.5 Resonance Soul event have been added to the wiki! Read them here!

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Happy birthday to Shimakk! I'm sure she'll want to spend time with Gilili today... let's drop by a little later to bring her some shoujo manga and ice cream~!

Read translations for her birthday login bonus event here!

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It's Gyaraco's birthday! Let's be sure to stop by the lab with some treats for her as a surprise! I'm sure she'll be the "C" in "ureshii"~! 🎶

Read translations for her birthday login bonus event here!

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