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just some wangxian in cool clothes

1339 6250

wwx running a one man circus of his gay crisis feelings while lwj is just hanging out next to him like 🥰🥰my wei ying😌💕🙏with me in my room😳✨looking effervescent today❤️😊

531 2890

i realised that this au is just an excuse for more househusband lwj https://t.co/ixNVaQscHL

1526 5251

friend reveal!

2499 8980

friend found! crisis averted everyone!

1625 7361

oh no he lost his friend ;;

1771 8202

i just think theyre great

899 3172

yeah i have normal feelings about this show

1930 5945

[zzs sighing noises]

1431 5212