

professional retart

フォロー数:6649 フォロワー数:12070

Okay i know i said my bags were packed, but i had to scoop one last grail before the bridge

This mf straight up FUCKS 😳😳😳

NOW my bags are packed, LETS FUCKIN GOOOOOOO

12 192

just minted this

i think something went wrong wtf did i get rugged 😭😭

2 90

This was my first i ever minted like 4 months ago

I ended up trading him a long time ago, as i was flipping and trading y00ts like a madman the first month

Just found him again and bought him back today

Welcome back home bud 🥲

10 157

Grail secured 😤

13 193

just started to deviate some of my lizzies.....

these are so sick holy shit

16 48

I just crafted a lootbox from new alchemical foundry and got this gold ancient!!!


I'm speechless right now tbh haha that's so awesome! Loving the new update! A lot of new stuff coming out for grims here soon👀

11 65

I've never changed my pfp from my moonbird, but im thinking about rocking my hooded for a lil while

Is the ape community loud enough?? Where yall at?!

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