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Uh wait what? I just made a nice trade with @phygitalius some Small Bros and a Cyberwalker for a Space Rider @SmallBrosNFT @moonwalkersoff @SpaceRiders_NFT @NFTcommunity_GG
Just did a nice trade with @HighSpeed_1 thanks and own a Quirklings and a Quirkies now for some Small Bros! @SmallBrosNFT @quirkiesnft
Just staked my Shamanic Oracles collection to earn $WoV @SafeHavenio @ShamanicOracles
So many different designs will post ll of them :-) @moonwalkersoff Join as it´s early!
@TooniesSocial @SmallBrosNFT @moonwalkersoff @BeerandNfts @jrider716
I just got me those Toonies :-)
@GarrisonRolley I love @SmallBrosNFT and @moonwalkersoff both are awesome projects with real nice community!
@BlockchainBullx @SmallBrosNFT @moonwalkersoff both amazing projects with an amazing community!