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Recent megalodon research

This penultimate thread is a quick wee list on all of the cool megalodon-related research that has been published since last year’s DOIs to each paper will be included so you can go and read them yourselves - look, science!🦈(1/9)

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Myth 4 (cont'd)

Further, megalodon is known to have lived in coastal habitats & preyed on whales. Given our own love for the coast and that whale bodies with large bite marks float, we would have definitely noticed by now if a giant shark was living nearby killing whales (7/12)

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Myth 3: In 1873, the HMS challenger found a white megalodon tooth aged 24,000-11,000 years old.

True, but the dating was later confirmed an error. A 1998 study found that the tooth was well-preserved by manganese dioxide, slowing decomposition & retaining the white colour

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Myth 2: Megalodon was "just a scavenger"

While megalodon almost definitely scavenged whale carcasses if given a chance (as modern sharks do), no shark species is known to only scavenge. Fossils showing healing on bitten whale bones is clear evidence of predation attempts (3/12)

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SICB ARE YOU READY? Tomorrow we’ve got a great talk from Martha M Muñoz for the Gans Award Address: “‘Constraint', a double-edged sword for evolution.”

Check it out, 4:00-4:30 pm PST Sunday, Jan 3!

Pathable link:

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Are y’all getting excited for or what? Make sure you check out the Plenary talk on Tuesday, Jan 5 12:30-13:30 by Claude Steele:

Their talk will address success in diverse learning communities and why it’s important!

(Image by )

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