SJ Covey -Taking some time out.さんのプロフィール画像

SJ Covey -Taking some time out.さんのイラストまとめ

Debut novel FamiLIES of NA fantasy series The Order, available NOW Published shorts in Malarkey's ImaginOmnibus. Flame Tree Press, Vocal & #SBS winner

フォロー数:3762 フォロワー数:6792

The Silence descended Earth, all bird song muted. For 2 days this was r new norm. On the 2nd day a low rumble emitted from the Earths core.
“Run don’t The newsreader told those of us living near the equator. Our planet was separating & a new dawn was being born.

3 17

They duck they dive, bob & weave. & turn inside her brain.

The tendrils of doubt, layered with disbelief took her hopes & dreams by stealth 1 @ a time remaining unnoticed.

1 day she looked in the mirror—
“Who is that old person looking back?”

She had faded away

7 23

When east is and is east they will come.
One among them knew what this meant. On Tuesday the 33rd of Decuary 2097 the wise one awoke. He stared in horror, his compass spinning this way and that.
“They have come,” his fragile voice croaked.

4 15

Keeping doctor away

So some will say

The will pay

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