

EN/PL ok • 🗿 → @Lcd101

フォロー数:29 フォロワー数:83

już nie mozem czuc moje ręce przez ten głupiego wampiru wwww

2 3

maybe that went a bit worse than expected but its him alright

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days 29-30 (merged together)
happy birthday xander now imma just *deflating balloon noises*

1 3

days 25-28
thats like the last full set of these icons now... only xander and fami remaining lblblblblbllblblblblb

1 6

brain died for a bit and i ended up doodling these lot

2 4

days 21-24
and then the power went out bc aksel got scared of dr. skarżyński gj

1 4

days 17-20
happy birthday stella (4th img). thats it thats the tweet

1 6

days 13-16
yeah imma just [windows xp error noise]

1 5

seems like that other vmu's come with a birthday gift for AGES (what's inside that gift...?)

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