Silver @CQ7🦌H78.STILL ALIVE🐉さんのプロフィール画像

Silver @CQ7🦌H78.STILL ALIVE🐉さんのイラストまとめ

絵を描きます。Worry not. I don't bite. Patreon Coffee jar 🙏📬 [email protected] 🏳️‍🌈 any pronouns

フォロー数:806 フォロワー数:14396

(⚠ Arknights Mainstory Chapter 12-1 screenshots)
I'm crying over a potato stew

interesting how it's porridge (粥) on CN and JP but it's stew on EN (well ig bc it's a localization)

11 50

me when I just realized this rest in peace shot in the R.I.P. ED is actually Talulah looking at us

7 44


467 1630

Also please correct me if I'm wrong, but in the trailer, we don't see a single design of their original outfits that's from the TV series/Rebellion at all right

176 656


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