Secret Master of Fandom 🇺🇸さんのプロフィール画像

Secret Master of Fandom 🇺🇸さんのイラストまとめ

Secret Master of Fandom

フォロー数:66 フォロワー数:273

...the usual problem is a space suit is to keep from being boiled like a lobster. You have vacuum all around you and it's 𝘩𝘢𝘳𝘥 to get rid of heat.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Have Space Suit–Will Travel_ 1958

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...spies are a tricky lot; he's likely to sell you the parts you can get free from a public library.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Starship Troopers_ 1959

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Maybe eight gees was too much for it [the watch], even though it was suppose to be shockproof, waterproof, magnetism-proof, and immune to un-American influences.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Have Space Suit–Will Travel_ 1958

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...experiences disgusting even to Baslim, old and hardened as he was. Repeatedly Thorby had fought against it, nor could Baslim blame him—he felt now that he could count the scars on the boy's back and assign a villain to each.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Citizen of the Galaxy_ 1957

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I have the advantage, of not knowing too much about the subject. Facts are always a handicap in a philosophical debate.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Farmer in the Sky_ 1950

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I still had some money and thought about trying to find some free-dealers; they say that you can find them around a hotel. But Dad says that 'free-dealer' is a fake word; they are black marketeers and no gentleman will buy from them.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Farmer in the Sky_ 1950

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Since Thorby had no talent he became an actor.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Citizen of the Galaxy_ 1957

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Free will is a golden thread running through the frozen matrix of fixed events.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_The Rolling Stones_ 1952

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Goodbyes are not comfort; only remembrance is a comfort.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Citizen of the Galaxy_ 1957

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if they live, and what their potential will be then. This is the indictment against you—your own savagery combined with superior intelligence.

-Robert A. Heinlein
_Have Space Suit Will Travel_ 1958

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