Starco Y Marcostarさんのプロフィール画像

Starco Y Marcostarさんのイラストまとめ

Fan of Star Vs The Forces Of Evil #SaveSVTFOE #SVTFOESeason5 #StarVsTheForcesOfEvil we want season 5 or a Movie of SVTFOE

フォロー数:554 フォロワー数:449

1) Coronavirus, 2) Meteorite, 3) AIDS, how do you think all people are suffering and more for the loss of ok, as of today is a new beginning for Disney to give us season 5 of 😏

7 20

This is unfair, how is it possible that Disney is ordering a 5th season for this show, that is, they already have me arto, why do they refuse to do the same with !!! this is pure injustice

5 13

I would like to anticipate the fact of continuing to do my fanfics, the last one I did was the one that I dedicated more love and time, because I will continue doing this kind of thing until Disney gives us season 5 of

3 12

With knowing that today is February 19, you find out that we are fighting for almost a year, we spend hours and hours trying to save our favorite series, so please give us season 5 of

5 18

I beg you, just imagine watching have a season 5, that is, you will earn ranting and money from the products they take out, since you have an entire audience that asks you to ❤🌙

5 20

Look, if fans from the beginning agreed to save we will really do it, it is taking almost a year, but just imagine that only 5 days went by and you will see how much we achieved and season 5 will soon arrive

4 15

Finally Star and Marco have their first Valentine,it's beautiful😍,this series conquered my heart from the beginning,I will always be a fan of this incredible show,I thank Disney and Daron for that,but I'm still craving to see a season 5

0 10

Starco Happy Anniversary,today February 12 marks 9 months since he became a canon and surely everyone wants to see more,because I still want to see things that left the series pending,so happy anniversary and that Disney gives us the season 5

3 13

Do not show more grudges towards us, keep in mind all the fans who admire you, because I sincerely tell you, we want a season 5 of is what we most want to have on your platform

2 15

I really miss Star and Marco a lot,I want to see more of his adventures in a season 5 of I don't see any sign or response from Disney,you don't know how much it hurts to see my favorite series end, we need season 5

3 14