snafu さんのプロフィール画像

snafu さんのイラストまとめ

👏incompetent artist👏
※ I design patches

"When are you gonna open commissions?"

support me at Ko-fi as well!

フォロー数:408 フォロワー数:39040

New loading screen for the latest client, this confirms that Kar98k is getting a MOD3, she's seems to be wearing the WW1 German uniform now.

22 221

This image goes hard.

199 1380

Kingsman reference

45 509

Bank is closing my bank account because they questioned the amount of money from overseas, gonna pause commissions atm to make a new acc.

tldr; I got accused of money laundering when I couldn't prove the money I get overseas were from horny dudes that pays cash for anime tiddies

50 558

goes kinda hard

24 207

A somewhat ironic and sad downfall of a company that went all in on a risky prospect...

portrayed as a smug kusogaki T-Doll.

86 688