

PFP = @RiBTnft - Mythic 1/1 “Sunbathing” - @chainlink marine - Photography:

フォロー数:2666 フォロワー数:3584

Immensely talented Iranian artist & university educator painted my eye and now it cries for her and her people. Supporting Persian women in their fight to live freely as they wish is the same as protecting our own sisters.

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Added "I Am the Foundation" from the brilliant mind & hand of Kiana Khomami from her collection Evocation. Persian woman have something everyone should aspire towards: history, fearlessness, authenticity, passion, & a willingness to share love through art.

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Just can't stop marveling at this incredibly amazing genesis 1/1 piece by . So happy to have "Uni" in my collection now and so grateful it was made available on so I could purchase it.

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