

beginner modder for a few games, lover of music.

フォロー数:134 フォロワー数:24

I know that it's not Christmas yet but merry Christmas and keep up with the good content!

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I don't know if you are a dragon Ball fan but I hope you like it! For some reason I assumed you liked squid game but I could be confused with another Minecraft YouTuber.

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i did something that didn't make any sense. a demon with the angelic power of ultra instinct. i did this because of hearts on sdbh big bang mission. he's got a halo but he's a demon. i may also recall debura with the majin mark.

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i wanted to do ukog some justice. i like his outfit. it fits a street fighter vibe. however, the voice of sasuke on goku doesn't fit my likes. it seems more trunks rather then goku. it's not bad, just not my cup of tea.

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I don't know if you remember the DS game called j stars with the Goku super Saiyan sprites but I've been curious how'd the sprite will look not pixelated or small.

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