

Otaku Since 1999 | DragonBall Fanatic | Retro DBZ Collector | Sega Kid of the 90s | That Guy Who Did ARDBZ and the Lupin Has 3 Jackets Podcast Many Moons Ago

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The four horsemen of cancelled FUNimation releases.

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“Post 4 of your favorite Mc‘s and tag 4 mutuals to do the same”

I tag: , , ,

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Over the past week or so, I have finally started watching after all of these years. I’d always heard of it, but never watched it.

Boy, have I been severely missing out!

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Hectic and crazy day at work, complete with Overtime. Looking forward to sitting down now with some Burger King and finishing up Golden Boy before I have to get myself up for an early day.

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55 degrees today and sunny!

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Watching Miyazaki films always makes me hungry.

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Me reading the Spoilers for the new chapter of

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Growing up, I honestly thought that there would be more time to just disappear into the wilderness for a few months on a training journey.

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You may be intense...But you’ll never be children playing Go intense!

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