SVAROG ✒さんのプロフィール画像

SVAROG ✒さんのイラストまとめ

Move well, study well, play well, eat well, rest well - That is the Turtle School way! - Akira Toriyama

フォロー数:1301 フォロワー数:1882

That twist at the end opens a whole new world of stories that can be told in the Batman universe, it's so good. I really hope this book is canon cuz again, the ending leaves a lasting impact in the Batman mythos.

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We need a black and white, crime/noir Batman comic by Lee Bermejo ASAP!

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Eiza González as Jessica Cruz, make this happen

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I designed this OC for a potential manga i might be doing in the future, what do you guys think?

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What Batman villains do y'all wanna see Robert's Batman fight in future films?

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Buy this game if you are a fan, don't let some twitter warriors tell you otherwise.

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I have always been a DC comics fan and i always will be, its sad whats happening now but maybe its for the better. I feel bad that some good people lost their jobs tho, but to stay positive here are some of my favorite DC stories!

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If you think that is DC's you shouldn't be writing a comic book with Harley, you don't understand the character.

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Bring back Ivan Reis and on again you cowards!

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