

art only | main @SPITROT

フォロー数:1 フォロワー数:53

Cutthroat Seth. A mad doctor in a cult worshiping an evil 'god'.
Third image is an old drawing of him before I made him a human hgfdskhf

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Throwback to some old Oneshot art I did sometime last year :))
I still actually rlly like it and probably *might* redraw it.

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Light nsfw???

HHhhrhrrnmghhhdhrhrrr rockstar kara in some lingerie
i love her sm hhf

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Parasite au kara gets fucking stabbed

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A tired ruler who never wanted to the heir to the throne. Though after the death of her eldest brother who was originally going to be ruler, she had to give up her dreams of being a guard and take over as Queen. (Her name is King, yes)
(horn represents her status)

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There she goes!! She loves to run

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Witch Kara!!
She knows black and earth magic
She loves to collect shiny things
Her staff can change sizes
She loves to wear skirts
And she can almost barely see out of her her right eye (its super blurry)
The flowers in her hair correspond to her emotions as well!

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First drawing of the year and its cyborg maki hagahghhaghahakdngkf

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Maze carter throwing hands
and then theres a lil tiny carter :)


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