

Age 21. I only use twitter to look at my friends art or look at some memes and that's it. Shoutout to my friend @Yeety_Boi2 for making this pfp, follow him

フォロー数:4240 フォロワー数:233

I feel your pain i got bamboozle too

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Oh hell yea train under Zoro that would be so badass

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Oh damn dude you should rest, your health is way more important then us so rest and gain all the power you need to heal your arm

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I got 4 Waifus that can help you during your Quarantine Rem, Tsuyu, Ryuko and last but not least Yoshi. You can thank me later

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Lucy from Fairy tail I see that your a man or women of culture. But i got one better Behold out goddess Rem

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Ayyyy your welcome that what friends are for and plus happy late Easter and here i got you something you might like :3 You can thank my latter

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This is pretty good dude I bloody love it very much

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