

Age 20. I only use twitter to look at my friends art or look at some memes and that's it. Shoutout to my friend @Yeety_Boi2 for making this pfp, follow him

フォロー数:4256 フォロワー数:434

AH ok well your getting there Diavolvo is the main bad guy in part 5 so your getting close i will give you a hit about his stand I wont tell you it power you have to wait in part 5 to know

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Ayyy panty and stocking and you did a wonderful job on it dude Keep it up the great job man

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Oof i'm so sorry to what happen to you car

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Yea that true i do hope it wont become airborne

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Well were screw i'm just going to give you this hug hoping that you will be a okay

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HA i will stop you from being horny i will use my Stand ZA WARUDO to you stop you

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Ayyyy happy birthday Yoshi here have some cake

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