

フォロー数:12 フォロワー数:111

How I basically color Sid, Sue, and Sienna's skin

1 13

Tried to make an old japanese art...TRIED

2 18

love drawing her fluffiness
She really love to hug, especially to scientist and doctors cause she sees them and was taken care by them since birth (plus she thinks they're super soft)

2 16

Wanted to draw them dancing

8 39

Wanted to draw a very angry Red Queen, then I came up with the idea that the shape of her eyes and mole(?) Changes depending of her emotion

6 62

Ended up Painting the sketch using a vintage pallet I've made

1 29

Uh yeah I wanted to draw more bunny costumes

0 14

A giant walking flower 🌺

7 36

Pro Artists: Always to remember to work in each separate layers and never merge them until the piece is finished


0 9