

Illustrator, Artist, Redundant, Internet Menace.
I work in IT and pay taxes.

Banner: @RD_310197

フォロー数:333 フォロワー数:1498



As thanks to everyone for 400 followers, I wanna paint your OCs again!

Two winners, BOTH will get a full body painting like below!

To enter just:
- Follow
- Retweet
- Comment below your OC

Ends July 3rd!

Thank you all! 😎

98 258

Man, I hate work days cause I can barely make progress on my paintings. :P Decided to change the mouth a bit here. Also fixed up a few things now that I can get a better look at Coco and match her actual new design.

1 27

Some more progress before I head to bed!

4 35

Was having some real bad art block and just needed to get something outta my head, decided to draw that cool cat lady from before.

1 25

Happy birthday ! Wish I could spend more time on this! Hit me up another day and I'll draw her again!

5 51

Speaking of Animal Crossing, I drew my villager back when it came out.

5 38

Some more old stuff! A goblin lady, I played a lot of DnD before the quarantine, keep telling myself I need to go back but as a DM I keep procrastinating on setting up with roll 20 :(

1 8