Princess Viola (さんのプロフィール画像

Princess Viola (さんのイラストまとめ

She/They | 28

twitter sucks

discord: princessviola

tumblr is website

フォロー数:612 フォロワー数:1164

fun fact: scientists still cannot explain how this picture was taken

15 78

this dude was literally just a ferret and everyone acted like it was okay

5 11


they're telling you to wash your hands and gargle frequently.

4 5

(JOKE) i have renounced shindoine in all her formes and am ready to embrace the sea slug revolution.

(SERIOUS). no. i am gay for all the hot villain ladies in this franchise. all of them. from poisony in futari wa to numeri in tropical rouge.

3 4

me after getting my second covid-19 dose and turning into a precure

46 173