

✿art acc✿ Witch Hat/Pokémon/Splatoon ✨DM for commission inquiries✨ #freePalestine

フォロー数:1395 フォロワー数:1320

Ohhhh my god this is such a cute idea

-first ever jrwi art was bra’ad ofc and that one scene where he took damage getting his foot slammed in the door

-most recent (never getting over apotheosis)

-fav is ofc albatrio mwah mwah

-fav of fav character (VELRISSA COME HOMEEEEEEE)

2 20

// apotheosis finale spoilers

A guardian, his gifts, and his prisoner for all of eternity. Thank you Thanatos. (untag plz)

58 343

POV tide cooks u beef stroganoff in the morning

70 333

Gil makes both sides of the pillow cool and jay keeps the rest warm. Chip will take advantage of it tho…

117 561

Vel jrwi my beloved…….

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