

Mythology, history & nature - wacky, weird & wild...
I write about these things.

Author of 'AMYGDALA' - out now!
My work reflects its subjects: strange.

フォロー数:107 フォロワー数:25924

Quinn, coming in the next episode! I let my friend design him and I'm glad I did!

17 165

Old Lucy vs new Lucy. The difference 👏

20 185

This is Lucy Lacemaker. She forces people to love her. Be a Lucy Lacemaker.

14 92

This is Winifred. She is lonely and nobody loves her. Don't be a Winifred.

4 91

Hyzenthlay has a new look. More visual personality I think.

7 83

The next episode of Satellite City "Top Brass" will be in 7 parts and will touch on the origins of these characters and their relationships.

6 86