

He/Him ⚧
I do art, I stream, I ramble. Cw: may post pictures of insects.

フォロー数:257 フォロワー数:121
# wip art

Just painted all of this (needs some shading tweaks still) and now I'm gonna have to hide 75% of it for the final piece. Oops

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Still wondering if I should've made Moe more buff...

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Another quick phone doodle. It's nowhere near as convenient as drawing on my PC but still rad

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Sometimes work in progress just looks.. real weird.

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New tablet's making life a lot easier, hell yeah. Now I just need an idea for a background....

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Lil' horse progress update

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Saving this for posterity because I'm 'bout to ruin this man's whole face

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Card eight - The Captain

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Card six - The Hero

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