

| 23 | He/Him | Amateur Programmer | Aspiring YouTuber | Aspiring Artist |…

フォロー数:50 フォロワー数:471

Thank you all who came along to the *excruciatingly long* stream! I think I've done alright with this Future Gohan mod, Super Saiyan and Mystic (followed by alternate costumes) up next soon! :D

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I found a font that was quite similar to the original and decided to engage in some tomfoolery, I'm too tired and shouldn't be making memes 😂

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Insert [scout_specialcompleted03.wav] here.

Goku GT/Path to Power along side Goku's Doll completed for Kid Goku's costumes!

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Working on Kid Trunks, hopefully some of you recognise this nice colour of clothing!

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Finished off the 3rd ALT for Super Buu (and absorptions!), might make tweaks to the physiques at some point but he is done for now!

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Now this isn't my most proudest mod, but it's something as a 3rd costume to Syn/Omega! Say hello to Xeno Syn/Omega Shenron!

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Finally, all of the footage has been recorded, the editing shall commence! You'll see here a little of what I'm trying to integrate into future episodes, it ain't perfect but it will improve!

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my favourite meme of the night I think lmfao

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Seriously, this is so much fun, infinite meme material

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