

Лаксанщик до гроба

フォロー数:65 フォロワー数:38

As a result, I forgot to mirror the art and left it in the form in which it was more convenient to draw.

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It all started with someone's post about how it would be nice to change Kris ' costume. I agreed and went to draw something funny for the sake of laughter. As a result, I realized that desires are dangerous, friends.

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I finished reading Edens Zero and suddenly fell in love with Jinn/Kris. I draw it for the first time, I know that I did not manage to draw the face correctly, maybe it will get better over time.

12 48

With a two-week delay Laxana for Valentine's Day. The desire to draw came to me only after seeing the cute Nekologia.

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It's my birthday today!
It was difficult to choose your favorite works, but here they are!
I will be happy for your retweet 😘

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