

ベルギーのソフトウェア開発者。PSO2(Ship2) キャスト♀プレイヤーID「ordnas」アニメ・フィギュア・コスプレ。(ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ* 私も絶対領域が大好き♥

フォロー数:141 フォロワー数:280

That Kongou is magnificent by コマセ

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I know some people who might be interested by these two

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How comes she doesn't trip on her tail and face plant. Still cute tho, would hold her hand.

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chuuuuu(° 3 °) what a cutie

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Loli, loli ... if you were a World Cup referee, soccer would be way more exciting to watch.

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I'm usually not a huge fan of male illustrations, but that one looks amazing

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neko, bells and lingerie ❤❤❤

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"Do you promise to be true to her in good times and in bad, to love her and honor her all the days of your life?"

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I wouldn't mind to be a slave too

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