

Graphic Designer & Illustrator
| I draw video game stuff, cute monsters, and OCs.
| Working on: Project Monrades
| Contact: [email protected]

フォロー数:163 フォロワー数:251

An unnamed hatchling creature OC.
This young monster tries to act tougher than it is, but it's too weak to even leave its shell. They're always hungry and competing with their nestmates for food.

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Experimenting with a new format to showcase monster. Samples of a few monsters of different Elements. First with Caelangel, Junzarda, Akukind and Mamuwoo.

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A large wyvern creature OC.
It's called Azuvern! They are one of the earliest monsters to be befriended by mankind. They are popular for transportation because of their intelligence, loyalty and endurance.

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A large unnamed bat creature OC.
These monsters are intelligent and social, having a complex language of sounds to communicate. They also use their tails and phermones to prey on Drakky Fruit and lure them for feeding.

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An unicorn creature OC.
It's called Qilord! Known as the Emperor of Wind, it has a powerful wind aura that allows it to float. This monster is said to only appears for royalty and gods. Highly intelligent and elusive.

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An unnamed animal based mech creature OC.
Built for security and patrolling, its "head" and "tail" are have cameras used for monitoring. While not excelling in combat, they can fire blasts of energy from their lens.

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And the sprite for player. A creature piloting jet powered suit. Colors are not final and I'll likely keep tweaking the design.

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32 x 32 sprites of Kitling and Tanukid!
Fuzzy magical rivals.

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Jackfruit and Plum Drakky Fruit OCs!
Jackfruit is laid back until provoked to fight back with its stem horn. Plum is innocent and likes being under the care of others.

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Bell Pepper and Cayenne Drakky Fruit OCs!
Bell Pepper is vocal and difficult to befriend.
Cayenne is feisty and has a short temper.

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