Sandra Boyntonさんのプロフィール画像

Sandra Boyntonさんのイラストまとめ

"Trying to Think of a Motto Since 1973." Cartoonist, children’s author, songwriter, counterproductive kazooist.

フォロー数:29 フォロワー数:57209

Today is officially And this year has been, unofficially, National Roller Coaster Year. Hang on, breathe, stay steady.

200 556

Today is Wishing you gentle winds and sublime quiet.

193 627

Take a deep breath, square your shoulders, and hide.

382 1215

There's nothing quite so satisfying as cool footwear that provides its own subtle soundtrack. Happy National Flip-Flop Day.

256 655

June 8 is Spend a little time today talking, or going for a long walk, or laughing together, or just quietly enjoying each other's company.

288 722