

Former Vtuber, now a degenerate on Twitch.

Somehow still streaming.

I live to make people laugh (or mad).

フォロー数:346 フォロワー数:308

How can I cheat to win this raffle?

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New outfit also means new profile picture, thanks for the update, ! 🎅

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Sumio fact

My original idea for a Vtuber was a Spy or an Actor: a man who had a different disguise/outfit for every stream depending on the content, but this idea had to be dropped because of financial reasons.
Remants of this idea are still present in my thumbnail artworks:

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Schedule update for the weekend!

Thursday April 29 - "Spaceballs" Movie Watch-along
Friday April 30 - N/A
Saturday May 1 - SumioBox: Quiplash 2
Sunday May 2 - Season Finale: Q&A + What's next?

The Long Dark, Dark Souls, Hitman and Halo Reach are planned for Season 2.

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1. Lore video is now fully subtitled
2. Next schedule is called the "Long Awaited" week
3. Next week half the streams will be EST evening/midnight
4. My new job starts May 3rd, and streaming times/ schedules will change, but my Vtubing journey has just begun 🎅

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Chungus Shork vs PhoeniXXL, boxing match of the century, ticket sale opens soon.

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MrMediaMan and the crazy backstory behind his Vtuber avatar

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