¿Tú crees que unos glúteos como los míos se adquieren de la noche a la mañana? NO. Mi traje me permite una gran movilidad, Y ES COMO SI NO LLEVARA NADA.

フォロー数:201 フォロワー数:218

Good improvement, a small suggestion to mantain the idea that he's a "little boy" but without turning it into a fetish would be to give him shorts. Even if it's a bit much to on top of a jumpsuit
An example would be "Bit Man", a fake boss for Mega Man 11's April Fools

5 27

It kinda seems like they took Rock's face and recolored into red with color hues in Photoshop lmao
Curiously, the model used in the game doesn't even has the UVs for the eyes to be displayed

36 162

-11/10 NOT BUY

14 32

En tiempos de espera por un nuevo juego, es importante recordar los tipos de "filtradores".

3 3

Algunas tarjetas para este Día de San Valentín

27 11