

Norse pagan witch, devoted mother, and wife. I brew magic as well as I brew coffee☕️ With a flock of crows as my companions and a love for embracing chaos 🐦‍⬛

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GM Heathens 🖤
Blessed týsdagr
Today can be just another day or we can choose to make it extraordinary!
Set goals
Do your best
Be proud of yourself!
Blessed be brothers & sisters
Coffee time☕️✨

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GM Heathens🖤
Blessed mánudagr
New adventures this week filled with little heathens, crows, magic and of course, coffee
Love & light to you, brothers & sisters
Blessed be
Coffee time ☕️

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Good morning heathens
As we reach another seasonal turning point we are now halfway between Litha & Mabon
Today we celebrate the beginning of harvest season & how our ancestors would have been busy storing their harvests for winter months ahead
Blessings to you all today

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