

!!commissions open!!

Comic Artist of the series Inprysa & illustrator

(y'all remember purple and green ketchup)

Instagram: solomous2

フォロー数:192 フォロワー数:129

This inktober is going to be sooo easy to keep up.

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Hola, my name's Axa and I enjoy working in tons of different mediums.

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Tagged by

- lock screen
- home screen
- last song
- 12th pic in camera roll

Realizing I might be a simple person. Idk who to tag uhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

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Did some painting and I rusty as heck with acrylics. Ahh geez, I'm in the mood to paint again.

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Some robots I've done so far. Still going strong in creating one robot every day! ROBO JUNE IS NEAR. A robot every day of June! Any medium and the theme this year is Interstellar.

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It's been awhile since posting some art here, but still going strong in drawing everyday. Now focusing on Mexican like art and exploring more of my culture.

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Latest daily drawings of robots. I'm surprised I've kept drawing everyday so far. It's really empowering having months of drawings in a sketch book.

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Getting better at expressing some emotions. I wonder if I should make a art book of all the robots I've made this year. 365 robots of 2019. Idk, would people even be interested?

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More lore about my comic, Inprysa. During the late 1800s the world went to war against the country of Inprysa. The world feared their magic and robots. This is the first world war or known as the Silver War to native Inprysan citizens.

I'm working hard guys ;_;

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