

Invite ID: [477012842759] ☆ User ID [8P14N4A7]

フォロー数:51 フォロワー数:155

“I’m ready to head out~” 🐱

1 5

“Wa-what?! You don’t get to call me cute!!” 🐰

3 21

“Hehe~ Hellloo!! I have sweeties!!” 🍬

2 14

“Oh my gosh! I think I saw a frog!!” 🐸

1 16

“Thumbelina” rec from Eclair 🌸

1 14

“Hello!~ Glad to see you were prompt. Sit down, I brought us some refreshments!” 🍁

1 10

“Huh?? WellI guess you can sit here… if you must. I’m not letting you because I want you to though!!” 🍁

1 8

“Waahh?!! I am NOT cute!!” 🐼

1 12

“It’s SO hot…” 🥵

1 12

“Y-you should d-d-definitely go for a s-swim!!” 🐠

1 10