

Long Island Ladybrains, artist, music nerd, wise ass. Video game and nostalgia enthusiast. Total geek. I'm a loner, Dottie. A rebel.

フォロー数:1485 フォロワー数:383

Update on my granny fighter drawing.

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Bored on the ferry yesterday. Didn't feel like drawing something new so I decided to play around with the colors on this one.

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Sunday afternoon doodle.

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Just messing around with some new brushes I got for Procreate.

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Here’s a little video of the process.

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Decided to do a black and white variant of my design just to see how it looks and I’m just 😍😍😍😍

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Just a little Sunday evening weet woo doodle.

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Today’s festive little doodle.

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Just a quick little doodle messing around with grain brushes and color today.

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