


フォロー数:50 フォロワー数:48405

What the FRICK!!

450 3181

first time doing uhhh rendering i think

wip, she doesnt have a name yet

95 873

One of my favorite "exes", this little guy is funny

Hasty is owned by

144 938

For some reason peeps are saying I don't allow fanarts of Sora, but idk I don't remember saying that at all? She's just not another sky version anymore lol

160 1492

But no hay pedo porque eres fan de Sonic.exe y tu opinión es automáticamente invalida Bv

0 18

This has been by far one of the best things I've done, it was a bit painful cuz i had to do lots of drawings, but it was worth it, i hope you enjoyed this episode of Sunset Hills!

Next one is gonna take a while cuz each episode has to be better than the previous ones ^^

84 590