

Alguien con el hobby de dibujar, colorear y aveces hacerlo bien.
Someone with the hobby of drawing, coloring and occasionally doing it well ...

フォロー数:2729 フォロワー数:631

A commission I made recently of this girl with the reference of a Top Model who will participate in wrestling matches... It was fun and the client did an excellent job with the details and references of what he wanted.
Commissions open, just send me a DM.

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Está !!!!TREMENDAMENTE LINDA!!!! excelente trabajo.

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This is the final work of the request that I make for the winner of a small dynamic that I have in my Deviantart...
Kim Possible is one of those series from my childhood that led me to make fanart and like many I love the mother more than the daughter.

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Hope to see at least a cameo like this.

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Ya ha pasado un tiempo de este dibujo, no es el mejor, pero creo que siendo la Yukari(OC del tio )
va bien con la tematica
Que tengan buen dia, tarde o noche.

PS: Si el shadow no ha borrado los archivos, debe tener los demas outfits.

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A girl with nice muscles, cosplayer, likes video games, anime, comics and makes excellent JOJO poses??... Go immediately to follow her.
The Sanyajin Warrior.

Hope my fanart doesn't offend you.

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Another work of this excellent artist, I really love his style.
The Original work:

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Aqui está mi humilde participacion para felicitar al increible artista y super adorable personaje Richie... Felcidades por llegar a tal número y seguro que solo seguirá aumentando.
Do you want to know what all this is about?:

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One of the best kuudere characters and as far as I remember the first H anime that I saw completely and then I read the manga

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