

Type: ♌ Level: 24 Gender: Thembo Status: in love with @Dracaeza 💚 Sometimes does something creative.

フォロー数:489 フォロワー数:69
# obeyme

Oh heck, thank you for tagging me! Always love seeing your art on my dash 💚

"If you see this, quote tweet your art & tag some of your fellow artist!"

Tags- (I don't know any of my other mutuals enough to tag them, but if y'all want to do it that'd be awesome!)

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I used to look out there car window for things to take shelter under or just really pretty bushes nearby to go into that would seem like a nice place to live and think "Yep, when I'm a cat, that's gonna be where I live".

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Baba's from primordial lands

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I don't remember if this was real or not but it's the first thing I think of when I got introduced to anime

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Used to love snow cones but I could never hold them right I guess when I was younger so they'd always spill on me and I eventually just stopped liking them. Nowadays I'll eat them if offered one but I still don't trust the things.

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*frantic pspsps noises* He hears me, he's just ignoring me

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That time I thought I ate turtle and cried

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