

✨🌸Saved by Jesus. Meme Connoisseur. Corgi mom, plus lots of other critters. Pandemic Bride ¯\_(ツ)_/¯🌸✨

フォロー数:365 フォロワー数:153

Sam and I managed to watch the entire new season of Big Mouth in less than a day and I feel....

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Example of my artwork so you know wHat my style is like.

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“Oh it’s not ringing up? Must be free!”

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Hey I drew this last night if y’all like it I’ll be sending out a mini print of it in the mail for April patrons of the $10+ tier.

For just $5+ a month I’ll send you a new sticker each month.

Y’all support ya girl

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Ugh I want my cat to not be gone she was a comfort I’ve had my entire life

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Do everyone is posting their glow-ups and I look exactly the same from 2009 to now so that’s cool

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Update: he’s done. Available in lots of items on red bubble

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Yesterday was and I was super sick but here are some pics of my babes

Luna, weirdo hamster who likes to sit like this and stare while I sleep.

Lady, corgi who is sweet but not sure about strangers

Ghost, chillest hamtaro hamster you’ll ever meet.

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Drawing by myself~ Fennekin!

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