

Teacher (Yr2) exploring a play-based approach. Art specialist; seeking every opportunity to encourage & develop creativity. 💛 the beach or being skybound!

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Such fun being part of their imaginative creativity & storytelling with our autumnal treasure.
We’ve been so inspired by the joyous ideas and artwork in the wonderful book ‘If you find a leaf’ by

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Stage 2: we explore the wonderful viscosity & textures that acrylic paint can create. Also revisiting the wonderful ‘Setsuko & the song of the sea’ to create imagery and add soundscapes to our poetry.

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Moving waves : Stage one, an independent exploration using wax, inks & watercolour.
The children have access to a wide variety of tools & loved discovering different ways to move the paint; as well as mark make with found tools.

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An immersive journey towards the North Pole leads us to this beautiful book by . Following on from our mark making play there is a joyous freedom & movement in their initial explorations using chalk pastels. Fingers make brilliant tools too!

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Stunning ‘sound’ seascapes by my little crew - both collaborative and individual explorative pieces inspired by Maggi Hambling alongside some stunning books including ‘Setsuko and the song of the sea’ by

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What do you see when you look closely at the scales on a the varied work created by my little crew of art experimenters!

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