

☆ Professional illustrator & colorist
☆ hobbyist streamer
☆ #SogCatArt 🎨
☆ she/they 🖤💜🤍🩶 - 🤍🩷💛💙
☆ ARTRAFFLE @ 5,5k
☆ Cømmission info in📌

フォロー数:560 フォロワー数:5304

The best dysfunctional pack ever ~
Oocrha, Skid, Uruk, Little Griffon and Abject Coat, first picture with all of them together!

27 78

Somebody did an oopsie ~
Our alpha was not pleased to say the least, I hope Skid can make up for it in our next session!

24 107

Last session in our campaign... let's say that I have quite the lucky strike at finding hidden stuff!

Skid is my new Passiflora (inquisitive rogue halfling in the ghosts of saltmarsh campaign)

not in scale uwu

4 18

Someone got a lil bit addicted to

Oberon Song, Au Ra Xaela, marauder ~

4 13

"The second roar rose from the abyss."

Full rez + story:

5 12

"Captain! There's something under the ice!"
"What?!" Laframboise shouted, raching the upper deck, leaving the ship in the hands of his second in command. "Impossible! Nothing can survive at this latitude."

full story/better rez:

10 16

More sketches from "Nekronaka", Tebaldo very TeBOLDoand Kain 2.0

1 5

Plenty of time until it's gone
It's alright until it's not
How many times have I looped this song
When did my hair get so long?

Blood, gimme your blood
Gimme your blood
Gimme your blood

1 8