

フォロー数:530 フォロワー数:188

Describe art tasted in 4 images I'm going to regret picking the later but

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Day 25: Core of Machine Dreams
You think dreams come from the human mind? bah! You fool
A grand machine in the centre of the multiverse churns away pumping dreams into the fabric of reality. so when we sleep our brains pluck the dreams outta space and time

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Day 24: Alien Skull Parasite
This unfortunate cloaked lad has had the top of his head mutated! The parasite grew wrong and its made him lopsided so his spine is in disarray. They seem to get along well enough despite the unfortunate circumstance of their meeting

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Day 21: Funkyspace Hooligan
Residing in Funkyspace, an alternate dimension made of sick basslines and spraypaint, comes this fresh young lad...
he's sure to cause all sorts of trouble with his arsenal of hip lingo, radical poses and general disrespect for how the world is run

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Shout outs to the fucking stupid dnd game I ran with some pals a while ago
That was a good time

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I love epic wizards living on a mountain.. Shooting fireballs

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Day 18: Juicegland Varmit
Hailing from the Land of Sand and Gland, It's a sorta kangaroo lookin thing. It's incredibly fast being able to easily outrun a sports car, but it's got very low stamina! Can't let your ride run outta juice so be sure to give it lots of OJ to fuel up!!!

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