

|Oc Creator| |Story Writer| lRedhead Enthusiasts| |Lore Account: @AshuraReads| That's it really

フォロー数:613 フォロワー数:1707

So uhh....What’s going on here?

0 3

Crimson Saiyans Backstory Part 2: A New Saiyan born, Kira Aberona

Kira: “ Arkanos made the Saiyans his slaves and made him due his dirty work for him. No one could stand up to him and his empire and if you tried to you’d be dead. But you already know that +

3 22

*Raid starts*
Literally 1 min

Raid Boss: *Does Peeler Storm*

*Teammates die and I’m the only one left*


2 14

What do you like about Kyra Aberona ?

Why do you like Kyra Aberona?

3 27

Blair Backstory Part 1: Lost Cause

Blair: “A Demonic Saiyan like myself never experienced having a family as a child in fact I never had any. Sometimes wonder why they even left me to begin with. Was I a failure ? Do I not deserved to be loved nor care for. As a child I was -

10 18

Shoutout to for drawing Kyra if you haven’t followed him you totally should he’s an amazing artist ^^

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