

Writer, Concept Designer, and general goof for The Space Between webcomic (they/them)

フォロー数:262 フォロワー数:61

Oh wow neat! Hello, I'm Wave, NB, and I do mostly feral women and body horror. Currently developing a webcomic with a close friend and could also really use some donations to help with bills 😅


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16 to 29 (now)

Went from Tired and Angry to Still Tired and Angry but Hot https://t.co/MhSuS9CcC4

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Hello, I'm Wave! Mostly I do more intense/horror art and am prepping to start my first webcomic!

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Hey all, I'm getting a little hard up on money so I'm opening up five slots for commissions!

$30 for Half, $60 for Full, or we can work out custom prices if you're just wanting a sketch or bust!

Please feel free to DM me for requests!

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Relatedly, I've been breaking in said new tablet with a quick art of my Kids on Brooms PC, Mimi Rollins. An awkward, selfish gremlin who has to grapple with the fear that she's dead frim a bus accident and everything happening is a dream or her brain shutting down.

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Day 1: Mol

Love my angery cursed punk witch wife

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