Schmae, 🇵🇸🇸🇩🇨🇩 (My Anxiety Spikes easily)さんのプロフィール画像

Schmae, 🇵🇸🇸🇩🇨🇩 (My Anxiety Spikes easily)さんのイラストまとめ

pfp by @SakuraChanArt02 (gift from @AzelfandQuilava) banner by @Lucky770943600. (Inspired by @Jellodorf). Anxiety spikes easily

フォロー数:445 フォロワー数:859

This is meant to compound other pieces of suspicion that Edelgard provides the Margrave after the fall of Faerghus. This inevitably would lead to Rufus being tied to TWSITD, him being the first target in the shadow war.

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So given how the Ashen Wolves act as recruitable antagonists in the rewrite, it allows me to set up the Shadow war with Hapi.
Think of her tipping Rodrigue off to Cornelia's wrongdoings, resulting in him sending a request for Matthias to investigate the Court Mage.

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I’ve inadvertently turned the Ashen wolves into the older FE recruits enemy character archetypes. Kinda strange but honestly fitting. Helps me work them into each story better if we’re being honest.

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It's rather interesting writing Leopold as the Steward of Leicester (at least for a while). Since I need himout of the plot until after Arianrhod, he's gonna be directly working with the Round table members to transfer power.

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If the Ashen wolves paralogue can include Constance as a 5th Npc character, the Edel/Ly/Hapi paralogue could've done the same for Monica. It's the perfect time to hear her thoughts on the matter.

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I think a good way for me to expand on Ionius and Ladislava is to essentially link the two, with Ladislava working under Ionius as Edelgard’s in the Officer’s academy, acting as a messenger relaying info between the father and daughter.

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Due to this, Barnabas becomes the temporary steward of Garreg Mach, Duke Gerth remains the sole correspondent with Brigid, while also sending all his men to Arundel lands, and Waldemar is sent to Enbarr due to the food shortage caused by Acheron setting fire to Bergliez territory

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So to avoid named generals just...not doing anything, I have, as of prior to the CF Myrrdin mission, Ladislava sent to aid Arundel in his territory, Randolph sent to Erebus to block any possible Kingdom siege, and Leo to Burgandy, awaiting the bridge to fall so he can invade.

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