

@twitch ambassadors and partners | PhD scientists by day, science communicators also by day! | @official_throne partner

フォロー数:1964 フォロワー数:1978

you should be working on your tax return and you start a new character

1 7

Thank you everyone for the lovely stream today! We finished Antonia and did some microscopy! Thank you to , , and for the raids! We passed the love onto ! See you tomorrow!

1 7

This right here times infinity. I love promoting the heck out of our community and friends and it brings me immense joy to see you amazing people succeed

0 13

Thank you all for a great stream tonight! We finished Owen and did a little microscopy! Thank you to , , and for the raids! We passed the fun onto ! See you tomorrow for science Friday!

0 8

All our love dapper!! ❤️

0 2

What an epic stream tonight! We finished jester ant, did microscopy, tested the sciants coloring book, and crossed 1000 followers!! Celebration incoming! Thanks to zintaus, , aquamaui, and for the raids! Raided out to ! See you tomorrow!

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