

@twitch partner | PhD scientists by day, science communicators also by day! | @BalintZKacsoh @Jbozler | @elgato Ambassador | @official_throne partner

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Thank you for the lovely stream! We finished a new character--the dodo bird, having been in the news for de-extinction science! Thank you ruthfullLA d_tector008 ratzkie for the raids! We passed the love to !

1 11

Thank you for the lovely stream! We chatted about a new species of frog which doesn’t croak and debated virus life! Thank you epochresnovae for the raids! We passed the love to the amazing !

0 7

Thank you for the amazing return stream! We had a blast and baby Ilona came on too! We did a little art and hung out :) thank you to MooseRef

1 21

Thank you for the lovely stream! We began our deep dive into epigenetics! Thank you for the raids! Passed the love to shellebrating 25k! We are also 1 avg viewer away from the partner app!

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Thank you for the lovely stream! We talked all about the biology of the water scorpion. We were left wanting more information about their genetics. Thank you ratzkie for the raids! Passed the love to the amazing !

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Thank you for the lovely stream! We chatted about the biology of the mexican jumping bean and a new snail discovered in amber! Thank you rnsews TC_Poole for the raids! Passed the love to !

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It’s Wacom Wednesday! Today we will be continuing the SciAnts band, microscopy, and more! Come join the fun as we push for partner!

5:30 pm est

1 2

Thank you for the lovely stream! We talked all about cloning and deextinction tonight! Mammoths, ferrets, cloned bulls and more! Thank you for the raids! Passed the love to !

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