RAAAAAT !!! 🍉❗❗さんのプロフィール画像

RAAAAAT !!! 🍉❗❗さんのイラストまとめ

Mae/Rat 🔥 They/Rat/Sun 🔥 21 🔥 Has ADHD 🔥 OC and fan artist 🔥 Forever on Epithet Erased brainrot 🔥 @orandaorbit 💗💗💗 icon by @speyerboot !!

フォロー数:634 フォロワー数:496

CW// Bug/Cockroach aspects
I'm getting around to making more OC designs I've had for a hot minute, so here's another bug demon for ya!

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Here's the lad I made from that lil thing I posted the other day! I really like how faer design came out!!

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Here's Fintan Flynn!! He's an arsonist who has the Epithet Tumbleweed, which let's him summon tumbleweeds that often help him with his firey hobby. He can also roll and tumble along the ground and not get hurt by doing so.

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Did y'all know I have Sonic OCs because haha yeah I do- This is Charlie! He's a genderfluid dingo who's a bounty hunter! He has a device that can switch between a gun and a sword. I originally made her from one of those "let's make an OC!" posts.

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Here's Kiku Tanaka! Her Epithet is Yokai and it lets her give herself the traits of various kinds of well-known yokai found in Japanese folklore. She also can accidentally turn objects into yokai if she were to touch them with her bare hands, which is why she usually wears gloves

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Here's Claudia Richter! She's an incredibly skilled and master thief, never being caught by the authorities. She's gotten so rich off of her career that she owns a whole private island that her and her twin brother live on. Her Epithet is Feline! 2nd image by @/Artist_580

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How have I not shown Burn her yet-
Burn is the leader of the Cardiac Gang, she's very charismatic and loves stirring up trouble. Her Epithet is Friendship, which let's her befriend others very easily and lets her unleash very powerful attacks when she's with her gang members.

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Alright two in one go- here's Grace Winters and Ivy Sorrel! They are girlfriends who run a candy store together. Grace's Epithet is Sweet and Ivy's Epithet is Sour.

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Another EE OC because I have over 40 of them haha
Callisto Mune! They are a hopeless romantic, but he also has quite the ego and thinks everyone loves him. His Epithet is Phase, he has powers that change depending on the phase of the moon. 2nd image made by @/cartoon_squid

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Next is Max Sonnen! They're apart of a friend's universe called Elemental Earth. Max is an ice user and can control water molecules to freeze them, Max can do this with the soda cans they carry and create makeshift blades from them. The second image was made by @/KodaConstella

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