

フォロー数:717 フォロワー数:954

big ecosystem doing big things 🔥🔥🔥

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I am S, 37 and father of three boys (16,14,2).

Casual gamer, Enjoys swimming and being in water, Loves comedy and likes to laugh (Dave Chappelle, Bill Burr, Theo Von).

Loves the sound of rain and the feel of sand.

Ape Liquid member since March 2022 ❤️

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*constant delivery & value added over the last 8 months from
*an entire thriving ecosystem
*forging and earning 1% every 30 days
*invaders abduct ecosystem & drop them in your wallet
*LAST BUT NOT LEAST a turn based on the 12.12.22

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In 4.5 years my pfp will be unrecognisable as it would have traversed & fought through 10 Mythic Worlds, obliterating at least 1 of those with a neutrino bomb.

ain't just a 'pfp',
So I'll see you all in 4.5 years 🔥

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This bear market has been fun ngl and its only gonna get better once the mythic gateway opens
How will my nft look when it returns from its journey and what items will it bring back with it


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What if your nft went on a journey through a mythic gateway, fighting, collecting items, earning XP and returning fully evolved, transformed into a newer version of it's former self.


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utility, forging and earning 1% of FP every 30 days, rewards, gamification, evolving pfp's.

12.12.22 the games begin.

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remember remember the 12th of December.

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Get a or Baby Cub Tiger and then join the discord.

Learn about the mythic gateways and gamification AL are bringing to the table, the passive income from forging your pfp and letting it work for you, Did you know invaders abduct (see pinned tweet)

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But MAYC's cannot go on journeys through a mythic gateway and evolve, collect items or gain XP.

MAYC's cannot be forged to earn 1% of their floor price and work for you.


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