

🇺🇸🇲🇽 I just draw. Perpetually doing my best!
Multi Fandom-whiplash

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WIP almost done, I couldn't complete Nemona under my usual 1.5 hrs but should finish tomorrow ~

1 5

Hades Fans: we rise like our 200 run and counting~~

3 12

Brooo what a trip!!
Even with how busy I got mid year, I'm really proud at the LEAPS I made!

And all the people I get to talk to now and have fun with; it's been awesome! Thanks for sticking around~ Here we go 2023!! 💖

4 14

A quick Rika scribble to soothe your troubles 🤎

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Here we go again!!
Yall voted - Rival squad coming right up!!

one a day -and these are my warm ups so I hope to tackle new art aspects with each piece - this one will be more with perspective/ depth and a bit more color pop!!

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I've been putting alot of emphasis on eye work on my work recently 👀

1 7

🔥Looking back at this year: 🔥

>1st piece of year
>Mid year
>Upcoming current wip

Just gonna keep getting better and better 😤😤😤
Thank yall for sticking around!!

2 15

Across Time...
Across Space...

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